Sabtu, 30 Desember 2017

discussion about conflict resolution

Saturday, 30 December 2017

    We will discuss or discuss a little about conflict resolution, here I was assigned as a facilitator at SMAN 8 Mataram, the number of participants who attended were 36 people who came from West Lombok, East Lombok and Mataram districts, before we will discuss the discussion that was obtained earlier, I will explain a little about the meaning of conflict and resolution.
Conflict is a problem that usually occurs between two or more parties, whether it's about different opinions, ideas or ideas that are unacceptable. While resolution is the process of solving a problem or conflict.
Here we can see that there are various kinds of resolutions that we usually find in society, namely;
1. negotiation is a process of agreement that occurs between two parties.
2. Mediation is a problem-solving process involving a third person as a mediator.
3. Albitration is a process of solving problems outside of state courts but involving local courts such as state administrative courts.
We will continue to discuss cases that occurred in each village that we have encountered:
a. the case of the villages of Monjok and Taliwang where there was a war because a trash can near the cemetery disturbed people on pilgrimage.
b. nyongkolan the cause of the brawl in the village of East Pagutan
c. parents don't know about marriage
And the resolution used in these three cases is Negotiation and Mediation.
So little exposure that I can tell my friends about my discussion today.

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